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Praise for Buddhist Stupas in Asia: The Shape of PerfectionBuy it from Amazon.com for US$17.49Buy it from Amazon.co.uk for £11.99 Buy this book from Amazon.ca for CDN$33.58 Book Description Slide Show "Lonely Planet presents Buddhist Stupas in Asia: The Shape of Perfection, exploring stupas (sacred structures that function as memorials of enlightenment) in 13 Asian countries. As shown in more than 250 color photographs, stupas are tremendously diverse in appearance, ranging from gold-topped domes to marble temples to giant sculptures. Some stupas serve as reliquaries, or repositories for relics of enlightened masters. This informative, beautiful book is a fine introduction to the sacred art and architecture of Buddhism." Publishers Weekly "This is no dry academic treatise. Coupled with superb photography by Bill Wassman, Cummings's learned but accessible book enriches our knowledge far beyond such a facile purpose." The Australian |