"Not all who wander are lost." -- J.R.R. Tolkien

"Nobody smoothes the path like Joe Cummings, guidebook author supreme."


Let Moon Handbooks: Cabo guide you throughout the popular Cape Region of the Baja peninsula. With wit and style, travel writer Joe Cummings gives unrivaled coverage of everything from the historic streets of La Paz to the stunning beaches of San José del Cabo.

This revised and updated edition features:

  • Firsthand reviews of virtually every hotel, motel, campground, and resort in the region.
  • Fascinating sidebars on such topics as Baja island-hopping, the history of tequila, and the pearls of La Paz.
  • The scoop on all sorts of outdoor recreation such as kayaking, scuba diving, fishing, cycling and hiking.
  • Lots of helpful contact information, plenty of detailed maps, and a handy Spanish phrasebook.

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